
Leak suggests Sony may soon offer a DualSense V2 controller with 12 hours of battery

Sony might have an updated PlayStation 5 controller available soon. GamesRadar+ spotted a brand new V2 DualSense Wireless Controller on Best Buy's Canadian online shop, and anyone who is sick of finding their wireless controller dead when gaming is in for a treat. The device is listed as having 12 hours of battery life — up from a maximum of five hours in its current iteration. 

Apart from the major boost in battery life, the listed Sony V2 DualSense Wireless Controller is pretty much a mirror of its predecessor. It has a headset jack, built-in microphone, and haptic triggers across its rear and face. It's listed for 90 CAD (about 67 USD), almost identical to the previously released V2 DualSense Wireless Controller's $69 retail price. Though the 12-hour model is visible on the website, it's not actually available for purchase, so it's unclear when (or even if) Sony will release it. 

Interestingly, a patent filed by Sony in November 2023 described a new controller outfitted with a touchscreen instead of a touchpad. It also potentially employs predictive AI assistance to light up certain buttons, analog sticks and shoulder triggers as hints for gameplay. Just like the controller currently sitting on Best Buy's website, this one's fate is up in the air. This article originally appeared on Engadget at />

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