
How to watch Sennheiser’s CES 2024 press conference

CES is here again, and consumer audio brand Sennheiser is kicking off the week with a press conference a day before the show officially starts. Sennheiser’s launch event will be livestreamed on YouTube on January 8, starting at 3:30PM ET/12:30PM PT. You can head over there to check it out, or tune in here for when the stream goes live.

What we expect

Sennheiser hasn’t said much about what it plans to unveil at CES 2024, but it’s promised “exciting new headphones.” The company is responsible for some of our favorite over-ear wireless headphones and true wireless earbuds from the last few years, so that little bit of hype seems justified.

Last year at CES, Sennheiser debuted its dialogue-enhancing Conversation Clear Plus earbuds, which are designed to provide hearing assistance in noisy spaces. The hearing aids can also stream audio, and have features such as active noise cancellation. Check back here to see what Sennheiser has in store for CES this time around.

We're reporting live from CES 2024 in Las Vegas from January 6-12. Keep up with all the latest news from the show here.This article originally appeared on Engadget at />

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